Our Team: The Force Behind Technological Excellence

Join Us at WichitaTech Solutions: Innovating for Growth, Efficiency, and Transformation in the Digital Age

Steven Bradshaw
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Caroline Carrion
Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
Chris Baker
DevOps Engineer
Leo Jones
Quality Assurance Specialist
Sarah Yang
UI/UX Design Lead
Alexa Rodriguez
Lead Software Architect
Amanda Visage
Sales Rep
Matthew Parker
Sales Rep
Alexandra Montrese
Sales Rep

Unlock Your Digital Potential Today!

Ready to explore innovative software solutions tailored to your needs? Use the form below to get in touch and share your vision. Our team is dedicated to helping you realize your digital goals. Let's collaborate to turn your ideas into reality and propel your business forward in the digital age.

Estimated time of response: 35 minutes (within working hours)